rising temperatures


Innovators in Ghana create electricity from root vegetables

Innovators in Ghana create electricity from root vegetables

Editor’s Comments:

Our Ocean-Atmosphere environmental systems are not just linked to each other but connect all the plants and animals together in those systems. Some of our articles in OCEAN 44 confirm these relationships. Many of us in New England consider mussels the “Poor Man’s Oyster” but recent research in the UK is disturbing. Another article I did not want to read is Lauren Goodwin’s “wake up” article on plastics getting trapped in the stomachs of seabirds, contributing to their starvation. We are also sharing an “unable to sleep at night” article about the mysterious proliferation of lizards in Florida.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 44 Articles

Plastics causing starvation in seabirds

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Red tides in Florida

Hot rain

Rising temperatures in the Gulf of Maine

Sunscreen harms coral reefs

Invasive rats infesting reefs

Space debris

Eating invasive Green Crabs

Humans eating plastic from mussels

Electricity from root vegetables


The California Sand Fire destroyed thousands of homes and acres of land this summer

The California Sand Fire destroyed thousands of homes and acres of land this summer

Editor’s comments:

OCEAN 34 celebrates 10 years of publishing OCEAN environmental e-newsletter. This is your newsletter and our success has only been possible through your support and sharing of each issue. Our main article on African Dust may seem an eccentric indulgence of research, until some surprising pieces begin falling together. Using foot power to do your laundry and generating electricity by flushing your toilet, showcase innovative energy developments. Water is a defining element in our World, especially when it vanishes and we take a closer look at two drought events: One contributed to the unprecedented CA wildfires and the other generated ecological stress in the Amazon.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 34 Articles

Amazon Carbon Sink

Hydroelectric power innovation

California Sand Fire

Foot-powered laundry

Unmanned aerial vehicles in wildlife research

Toxic Algae Blooms in Florida

Summer heat on Cape Cod

Traveling African dust



Editor’s Comments:

OCEAN 33 We are envious of the “live smaller, live better, take it anywhere” concept our researcher Noelle Marston uncovered and brought to our attention. Rae Taylor Burns explores solar powered road surfaces, while Brigid McKenna takes a close look at links between Atlantic Ocean temperature changes and plankton. Closer to home, Cape Cod’s Oak trees have been eaten alive by caterpillars and we investigated the details of what has been referred to as “Caterpillar Winter”.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor  

Ocean 33 Articles

Solar Innovations

Water from air

Rising temperatures and Madden Oscillations

Ruth Leeney and African sawfishes

Carbon flux

Caterpillars in New England